Friday, December 19, 2014

Quick sketch with the old black Bic pen.

Reference photo: RedditGetsDrawn! I have a choice of photos of my wife to be...please can you draw her for our anniversary?

Another quick sketch in ballpoint. Really tough to keep the shading in check with a ballpoint.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sketch in ballpoint (and some witeout for good measure).

Reference photo: Me and my new glasses

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Quick ballpoint sketch, scribble style.

Reference photo: This is my favorite picture of my dad, would anyone like to give a go at drawing him?

Sketch with ballpoint pens and witeout (sorry about that). For some reason, I couldn't get a likeness and got myself into a hole.

Reference photo: Try to draw me?

Sketch in ballpoint and witeout. Had to use the whiteout to reposition the nose and mouth, and it has a tendency to produce a blue tint. As a result, I had to make the picture grayscale.

Reference photo: Please, draw my mum. She would be really happy!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Quick sketch with a Bic ballpoint pen. Didn't put too much effort in rendering the hair because I just didn't have the time. Actually, no, I just didn't want to possibly mess things up.

Reference photo: I would love to see this old photo of my mom drawn!

Sketch with the old ballpoint pen.

Reference photo: I miss my long hair, can you draw it?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Ballpoint pen sketch. I actually don't mind blurry pictures. If the likeness is not there, then it's no big deal.

Reference photo: All I want for Christmas is to be krumpus.. Can someone draw me, please! :)

Mostly ballpoint sketch. I dug out the old washable marker for the hair (less work on the pen).

Reference photo: Good afternoon, Reddit artists! Here is me waiting at the doctor's office. All creative styles welcome! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Quick ballpoint sketch, scribble mode.

Reference photo: Could you draw me and my husband from this picture? It's a Christmas present.

Pencil sketch. Yeah, I guess I could have spent more time on the hair but it's just too much work.

Reference photo: Please may someone draw me? :)

Quick pencil sketch. I think at some point I stopped looking at the reference image and it went on a life of its own.

Reference photo: Would anyone like to draw my face?

Little pencil sketch by yours truly.

Reference photo: I'd love to see your take on my favorite headshot.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ballpoint pen sketch. I am truly sorry about the horrible shading that went totally out of control.

Reference photo: Could someone please draw me?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sketch combo in ballpoint pen in very approximate likeness mode.

Reference photos: We are the mods of RedditGetsDrawn. Draw us!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Loose scribble-style sketch executed with a Bic pen. Love to do those.

Reference image: Hi Reddit! My grandfather is a cartoonist. I found this picture of him drawing for a friend he met in India while stationed there during World War 2. I would love to see what you guys can do with it!

Here's an animated gif thanks to

Bic pen sketch. Went for a fearsome chiseled look, or at least, that's what I am trying to tell myself.

Reference photo: The better half of myself, my girlfriend. All styles welcome!

And here's an animated gif thanks to

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ballpoint portrait sketch. I went for a clean look with tight line work. It's about as clean as it's gonna get since I have a tendency to restate a lot and dilute the lines. Remember that this is a ballpoint sketch so there's no room for error since you can't erase (Why would you want to erase anyway when sketching?)

Reference photo: This is me from a fun photoshoot. Please draw me? :)

Sketch that's full of scribbles. I think I went overboard with this one, but I just love to scribble with the ballpoint pen.

Reference photo: Can I be drawn, please?

Ballpoint pen sketch. It was done rather quickly but it's no excuse for what I did to the hair (in particular).

Reference photo: Not a great quality but, can you draw me please ?

Sketch in ballpoint pen. There is supposed to be some hair there but didn't have the guts to do it.

Reference photo: Would anyone like to draw me and my colourful hair?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Quick ballpoint sketch.

Reference photo: Would anyone want to draw me? All styles welcome!

I drew a rudimentary depth map in and saved the animated gif below. Another nice time waster.

Gif thanks to

Full disclosure: I had made an earlier attempt, but I made the huge mistake of going a bit crazy with the shading. The shading is not the only problem, just saying. Paper is long gone but scan will be there forever, I think. That's the power of the ballpoint pen. You screw up, you start again because you can't erase, and you get something completely different the second time around (slightly better, I think.)

Earlier attempt.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Ballpoint portrait sketch. Looks more like a bowler hat than a Brodie helmet, eheh.

Reference photo: Brodie helmet and me.